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stewey 6:54 Sat Mar 5
Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Thanks shearer and all the other media whores for your advice looks like it's paid off.

With thanks to Soldo for finding the info:

"BE careful what you wish for. That’s what they said, didn’t they? They said it on the telly, they said it on the wireless. Hell, they even wrote it down, several times, just in case West Ham United fans were in any doubt. It has become one of those ‘go-to’ phrases trotted out after the getting rid of a media-friendly boss who proved largely unpopular with a fan base, regardless of his record at said club. It’s empty analysis, right up there with ‘he’s a player’ and ‘it seems nobody wants to win this title.’

Go on. Google ‘West Ham Be Careful What You Wish For’. In fact, no need. I’ve already done it for you. 222,000 results in 0.43 seconds. 222,001 after this column. That is even more popular than searching ‘Colin Murray – d***head’. So, did those Hammers who wanted Big Sam gone and a more attractive style of football get their wish?In a word? Abso-f***ing-lutely. And they have their fifth-choice manager to thank for it. Slaven Bilic has proven himself a stone-cold, tip-top tactician, as well as a charismatic, motivating force.

Spurs in midweek was a prime example. There is no kamikaze ‘we’ll score one more than you’ philosophy from the Croatian. It’s ‘all for one and one for all’, not ‘Yippee ki-yay’. They have the joint fifth-best attack, and the joint sixth-best defence. The front-foot ambition is there for all to see, but West Ham are balanced, welloiled, fighting fit and disciplined.
While Dimitri Payet is one of the Premier League’s newest superstars, they stand and fall as a single unit, similar to Spurs and Leicester City under their current managers, and Bilic also deserves plaudits for his key influence in player recruitment.

Yes us fans are a fickle bunch and winning brings a greater sense of harmony, but it’s more than that. Bilic has lifted the ambition of a club who now play a brand of football that allows them to aspire to something other than mid-table safety. That’s why, I believe, the Hammers are happy once again

In this column last season I wrote that I felt West Ham needed a managerial change, but hindsight is a wonderful thing and I am not saying ‘I told you so’, but ‘be careful what you wish for’ was a simplistic custard pie in fans faces, rather than considered constructive criticism.

If I was a Hammer, I’d be tempted to unfurl the world’s biggest banner with ‘Be Careful What You Wish For’ written on it just before their first game at the Olympic Stadium next season, regardless of whether your team finishes fourth or tenth.
And while we’re at it, if you have any wishes left, could you throw one Northern Ireland’s way before the summer? With your type of ‘luck’ we could win the Euros!

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Stranded 2:07 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Cheers for that, Eddie. Good watch.

You'll win nothing with MAVERICKS

cholo 1:58 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Carragher obviously gets it. Souness is a fully fledged member of the boring cunt sacked manager's union.

Takashi Miike 1:55 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
brilliant player but obviously in the walrusey, keysie, grayey, reidy, robsoney drinking clique

Marston Hammer 1:54 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Hairy hands was one of the worst

Far Cough 1:53 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Souness is a clueless wanker

Good player, mind

Eerie Descent 1:51 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Danny Murphy said it, yet the other day he made a point about all the critics who said it being wrong. Unless he was accusing himself along with everyone else?

Marston Hammer 1:48 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Good clip that Eddie. Nice comments from Carragher & Redknapp, both went up in my estimation after that.

Eddie B 1:40 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Graeme Souness, - what a cunt:


Willtell 1:38 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
I respond to cunts in suitable fashion. I was called a liar and proved that description belongs with the posters that called me that.

At least I've never had an entire thread criticise me for being a boring pedant wind-up merchant like you have ioc....

ironsofcanada 12:19 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Willtell 11:44 Tue Mar 8

To be fair you have picked right up where you left off.

TCHammer444 12:14 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Collymore - know nothing see you next tuesday


The Joker 11:46 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
That's very true, but also part of the charm (to a degree)!

stewie griffin 11:45 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
French twat

Willtell 11:44 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
No I didn't. I don't get on here so much these days because it's full of self-obsessed wankers that spout lies and bollocks from their fantasy lives....

The Joker 11:40 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Willtell 10:41 Tue Mar 8

Squeaky is comma's sex name for Johnson. They spend almost every day flirting with each other on here, so surely you must have picked that up along the way?

Willtell 11:32 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
I shouldn't think you need more than one finger to count on....

Far Cough 11:02 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Who's my mate then?

Willtell 10:49 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Ha ha! Upset about your mate being shown up as a wanker again Cough...

Far Cough 10:47 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
squeaky isn't you Willtell, you paranoid bellend

Marston Hammer 10:45 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
Have a day off willtell

Willtell 10:41 Tue Mar 8
Re: Im so glad i was carefull what i wished for
, wrote...
"Squeaky as you and I know that I said no such thing there is no need to discuss it. As usual you are putting up a squeaky type straw man and then squeaking more because I refuse to engage.

My advice is to look for something actually posted and take a view on that instead of squeaking about a made up concoction of your squeaky own. Squeak when you are squoken too."

I guess that's me you're addressing? Well I did go back and here's a couple of posts on the same thread a year back when you say I was wanting SA to stay. It proves one of us is a liar eh comma so fuck you pal and I look forward to your squanswer sqwarkey...?

", 2:35 Tue Mar 17
Re: Sam Allardyce is in talks with Sunderland atm
You're 'aving a giraffe if you think that Bilic has integrity and BFS does not. We all know who the mercenary and cheat is of the two.................oh and ask the Everton fans what they think of Bilic's time at Goddison."

", 7:21 Tue Mar 17
Re: I had a dinner with Sam Allarydyce last week
Just to get some perspective on our last twelve PL games consider this.

Chelsea and Arsenal twice, Spurs, Manu, Southampton and Liverpool. From those games we got just three points. From the other games namely Hull, WBA, Swansea and Palace we got five points. Clearly we still struggle to take points from the teams above us but we have a run of winnable games coming up and hopefully our squad will be fitter too. We've missed players whether in attack, midfield or defence and this run has served to highlight the thinness of our squad beyond our best starting eleven."

"Willtell 2:36 Mon Mar 16
Re: I had a dinner with Sam Allarydyce last week
"He then followed by saying that the club will be aiming for Champions League football within 5 years."

No shit Sherlock! SA will be 65 by then and hopefully long gone. Then we can target CL football in 2 years..."

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